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Reading Process
Grades 2nd-12th
Description of the CLOSE Reading Tools
Created by Beryl Irene Bailey, Ed.D., CCC/SLP

Bailey’s Meta-Textual Markers - Dr. Bailey has re-purposed highlighters and provides educators and students with a structured routine to analyze complex text and make pencil annotations. Bailey has identified specific roles for five neon-colored highlighters, with their tasks imprinted on each that correspond to the elements of text complexity highlighted on the CLOSE Reading Strategy placemat. The colors and tasks/targets are as follows; yellow-vocabulary, orange- key details, green- text features, pink- text organization and blue-author’s craft. When conducting a close read of text, teachers and students use these meta-textual markers to identify and highlight attributes of complex text. This tool provides an excellent strategy for building capacity in students to conduct a close read of and cite evidence from text. (Grades 2-college and career) and adults
Per Unit Cost: $6.95 - [ Buy Now ]
The CLOSE Reading Instructional Matrix (11 X 17 poster) represents the key elements of complex text (vocabulary, key ideas and details, text structure and organization and author’s craft) and its associated academic vocabulary. This tool provides educators with scaffolding and essential questions, and big ideas to support the creation of text dependent questions and targeted instruction during the Structured Read Aloud Process or CLOSE Reading. Each step in this process is also aligned to the English College and Career Ready standards. (Grades K-12)
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
The CLOSE Reading Strategy (11 X 17 placemat 23 X 28 wall poster) is a metacognitive instructional procedure that uses the word close as an acronym and provides educators and students with a brain friendly step by step guide to conducting a close read of complex text. The role of vocabulary and the strategies for determining the meanings of unknown words are foundational to the skill of conducting a close read and a priority in the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP); College and Career Ready Standards and the Redesigned PSAT/SAT. If students are expected to read at high levels of text complexity, they must develop word consciousness, the skill of inferring and problem solving strategies.
Each verb in the CLOSE Read Strategy represents a spectrum of viewing or shades of meaning; check, look, observe study, examine. It can also be viewed as a continuum of viewing. Each verb also represents an attribute of complex text. The verb check is for vocabulary, look is for key details, observe is for text structure and text feature, the verb seek is for signal words and the verb examine is for author’s craft. (Grades 2-12)
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ] $15.99 - [ Buy Now ]
CLOSE Reading Placemat for Numeracy (11 X 17 placemat and 23 X 28 wall poster) - CLOSE Reading for Numeracy builds autoMATHticity! This tool was designed for language arts, science, social studies teachers, resource specialists, SLPs and students. It provides them with a metacognitive strategy and a cognitive routine to conduct a close read of informational and literary-non-fiction text for numeracy concepts and to generate and solve word problems to support understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Using the same verbs in the CLOSE Reading Strategy, students learn to check for vocabulary that represents ordinal & cardinal numbers, numerals, symbols, and general words that represent quantity, operations, and measurement. Students look for and highlight key details in the text to help them to generate or format a solution to a problem. They observe how text and/or problem/task is organized. Students notice and review key math/science terms, symbols, labels, units of measure… Students learn to seek out signal words that might alert them to a math operation, formula, or algorithm to help generate or solve a problem/task. And they also learn to evaluate how the problem/task relates to real-world situations and explain how they solved the problem/task. (Grades 3-12) * Numeracy and Literacy lift informational text. It’s not just the quantity of words that create complexity, but the connotative meanings that signal quantity, operations and measurement.
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ] $15.99 - [ Buy Now ]
CLOSE Reading for Visual & Statistical Literacy (11 X 17 placemat) - This instructional tool was designed to support content area teachers in assisting students in analyzing quantitative information. As with the CLOSE Reading for Literacy and Numeracy placemats, the CLOSE Reading for Visual & Statistical Literacy uses the word CLOSE as an acronym, scaffolding the cognitive routine of analyzing text features and comprehending the information contained within its graphics. Each step in the CLOSE Reading for Visual & Statistical Literacy process provides students with a brain-friendly checklist of key information to search for in the graphics. (e.g., S- Seek out and highlight points for discussion: Descriptions, definitions, explanations, Similarities & differences within the infographics/visual)
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
The A-B-Cs of Developing Mathematical & Scientific Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills (11 X 17 placemat and 23 X 28 wall poster) - This instructional tool was designed to provide students and educators with a brain-friendly A-B-C taxonomy of the required skills and academic language to solve basic word problems and engage in scientific inquiry. Parenthetically, students come to demonstrate understanding of how to discuss and write about their thinking by applying rules and formulas, building content & conceptual knowledge, conducting a CLOSE read of a math/science problems… (Grades 2-12) Engaging in scientific inquiry is as easy as A-B-C!
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ] $15.99 - [ Buy Now ]
The CLOSE Reading Strategy-Standards & Subskills (11 X 17 poster) offers educators a manageable framework for learning the ELA College & Career Ready Standards. This instructional and curriculum strategy represents reading standards 1-9 and three language standards. It also provides a method for retaining the college and career ready standards and provides educators with a sequenced set of literacy skills necessary for mastering the art of CLOSE reading. (Grades K-12)
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
The CLOSE Reading-Math/Science Problem Solving Strategy (11 X 17 poster) uses the same acronym as the CLOSE Reading Strategy for language arts and social studies, but aligns the process to the Standards for Mathematical Practice and Karin Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix for math and science. This strategy brings coherence to the separate math techniques used to solve math problems and helps teachers and students to make sense of math. It incorporates 6 of the 8 standards and facilitates the development of mathematical literacy through the repeated use of the metacognitive strategies to tackle problems and real world applications. The CLOSE Reading-Math/Science Problem Solving Strategy also facilitates engagement in the interdisciplinary collaboration with mathematics, science, social studies, language arts and technical educators. (Grades 6-12) * CLOSE Reading requires comprehension and coherence of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
Bailey’s CLOSE Reading Survey-The CLOSE Reading Survey is a 25-item Likert style statement survey/checklist designed to provide educators with middle and high school student reported information about which evidenced-based literacy research strategies students consistently use when reading and responding to complex text.
Per Unit Cost: $9.95 - [ Buy Now ]
CCSSs Claim 1 Targets for Literary & Informational Text aligned to Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels (DOK): (K-5; 6-12) This 11 X 17 poster was designed to support educators in generating text dependent questions using the Claim 1 Targets or ELA standards of; key details, central ideas, word meanings, reasoning and evaluation, analysis within & across texts, text structures/features and language use. While there are 7 claim 1 targets each for literary and informational text, totaling 14, there are only 7 different categories. The questions vary according to the genre. Each target is aligned to the depth of knowledge levels and cognitive tasks created by Karin Hess. This resource is extremely useful to curriculum writing teams in creating formative and summative assessments, particularly performance tasks. (Grades K-12)
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
FACADES word meaning strategy (8 ½ X 14 handout, and 11 X 17, and 23 X 28 posters) -The FACADES Word Meaning Strategy is a brain-based tool to facilitate students and educators learning the types of context clues; their semantic and syntactic signals. Each letter of the word FACADES represents or stands for a type of context clue or definition (formal, antonym, compare, apposition, description, example, synonym and structural analysis). The use of the acronym helps the reader to remember each type of contextual clue. This classifies as declarative knowledge and is a prerequisite in using context clues to determine the meanings of unknown words. When students use context clues, they are paying attention to the semantic and syntactic relationship of the words around the unknown word or phrase. The tool provides a student friendly definition and an example from authentic text for each context clue. (Grades 2-12) and adults
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ] 15.99 - [ Buy Now ]
READ Strategy (8 ½ X 11 handout) The READ Strategy is a four-step structured cognitive routine that facilitates students determining the meaning of unknown words or phrases using contextual clues. The READ strategy complements the FACADES Word Meaning Strategy. Through repetition and deliberate practice, students develop the habit of reading the context where the unknown word or phrase exists, examining and analyzing the semantic and syntactic signals around the unknown word or phrase, and then determining its meaning. Students must know what constitutes context and where to locate it.
Per Unit Cost: $3.00 - [ Buy Now ]
Text Structures Placemat (11 X 17 Placemat) - This instructional tool assists teachers in building capacity in elementary and middle school students to identify basic text structures and their signal words that alert readers to how the author has structured informational text. The research indicates that knowing how a text is structure is foundational to understanding complex text.
Per Unit Cost: $5.00 - [ Buy Now ]
Constructing Comprehension: Strategies Folder to Promote CLOSE Reading (9 X 12 inches) This two-pocket folder includes a vocabulary strategy imprinted on the inside, titled, Morphology Matters: Getting Affix on Morphology. Dr. Bailey has aligned the Wh questions with affixes and roots, and syntactic structures. Educators are provided with a strategic way and context to teach key suffixes, prefixes, and roots, while simultaneously reinforcing the parts of speech and the meanings of the interrogative pronouns, who, what, when, where, and how. This folder provides students with an organizing tool for all of Bailey’s CLOSE Reading tools and any graphic organizers used by the students.
Per Unit Cost: $4.00 - [ Buy Now ]
Punctuation Standards for Grades K-6 -This 23 X 28 instructional poster displays the basic punctuation standards that must be taught by teachers and learned by students in grades K-6. Punctuation marks are easily identified by Bailey’s Punctuation Posse Patrol signaling the standards to be taught and learned.
Per Unit Cost: $15.99 - [ Buy Now ]